Growth/Scaling Plans, Inspirations
I have spent the last month crisscrossing Middle America, giving keynotes and leading workshops. (Shout out to the wonderful folks in Kansas City; Louisville, Ky.; Tyler, Texas; and Cincinnati who hosted me.) The Midwest and the South are such special places to me and...
Annual Traditions, Inspirations, Social Impact Architects
In 2017, I have spent time reflecting on the concept of peace. I love the Hindu scripture that says, “Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your...
Annual Traditions, Grow, Growth/Scaling Plans, Inspirations, Lead, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects
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Annual Traditions, Inspirations, Social Impact Architects
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Annual Traditions, Inspirations, Social Impact Architects
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