Executive Coaching/CEO Leadership Development
We all get stuck. Sometimes you can forge a path forward alone and sometimes you need a trusted ally who has walked in your shoes and can serve as a guide, accountability partner and resource. At Social Impact Architects, we have seen that your effectiveness as an executive is inextricably tied to your ability to create a vision, and lead and motivate your team. We can help you develop your abilities and test your ideas before you share them with your organization. Often, we have found it isn’t what you say that creates tension, but it is how you convey it. We can work with you to assess your strengths, identify the capabilities or resources you need to take your organization to the next level, and develop an action plan to implement changes. Social Impact Architects can provide one-time coaching or ongoing services through a formal or informal leadership development plan.

Read More on Executive Coaching/CEO Leadership Development
By using regular CEO performance reviews, nonprofits can improve CEO-board alignment and ensure the success of their organizations.
Mastering multiple intelligences – IQ, EQ and SQ – is important to nonprofit leadership. Learn how you can use 3Q leadership traits of successful nonprofit leaders.
Brene Brown’s Rising Strong teaches us how to overcome adversity, nonprofit failure, improve change management practices and improve nonprofit resilience.
In this call to action, we lay out 10 moonshot goals to inspire social sector leaders to build a future where meaningful change is the driving force of the social sector.