The Social Sector often uses basic tools, like hammers and nails to change the world. Instead, we need power tools. Our weekly blog, Social TrendSpotter provides you with the latest trends and ideas within the social sector. It merges current thinking with the edge of innovation to inspire, to motivate and to take action so we can all ultimately create a better sector. Social TrendSpotter includes original analysis, but also highlights the latest sector-wide thinking into a user-friendly resource where social sector professionals and students alike can draw inspiration, share ideas and develop new thinking on best practices.

We love when the best “Social TrendSpotters” – you – share your experiences, observations and suggestions with us. Share your ideas here, and follow us on Facebook (@socialimpactarchitects), LinkedIn (@social-impact-architects),Twitter (@socialtrendspot) or Instagram (@socialtrendspot) for our latest posts and other insights.

Quiz: Is Your Nonprofit Organization Resilient?

Quiz: Is Your Nonprofit Organization Resilient?

When I was growing up in rural Texas, my favorite tree was a tall willow in the backyard. I loved to climb it and spend hours reading in its branches. But I also loved to watch it sway in the wind, especially during a wild Texas thunderstorm. It never mattered how...

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Hot Nonprofit Trends for Summer 2022

Hot Nonprofit Trends for Summer 2022

We are officially in the “dog days” of summer. Interestingly, this phrase refers to the sultry days of summer and came from the Romans, who associated it with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the “dog star” because it was the brightest star in the...

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Changemaker Top 10 Music Playlist

Changemaker Top 10 Music Playlist

As we approach the Memorial Day holiday and as we all struggle with the weight of the issues surrounding us, I thought I’d take a break from my usual fare and share a Changemaker Top 10 Playlist, curated by four generations of my fellow Trendspotters and Changemakers...

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