The Social Sector often uses basic tools, like hammers and nails to change the world. Instead, we need power tools. Our weekly blog, Social TrendSpotter provides you with the latest trends and ideas within the social sector. It merges current thinking with the edge of innovation to inspire, to motivate and to take action so we can all ultimately create a better sector. Social TrendSpotter includes original analysis, but also highlights the latest sector-wide thinking into a user-friendly resource where social sector professionals and students alike can draw inspiration, share ideas and develop new thinking on best practices.

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Social Impact Exchange LIVE

Social Impact Exchange LIVE

The Social Impact Exchange launched its Annual Conference on Scaling Impact in New York City this week, with all due fanfare. The Conference opened with the business plan competition on Monday and ended Thursday. It is a unique cross-disciplinary event...

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Social Enterprise Alliance Summit LIVE

Social Enterprise Alliance Summit LIVE

“Purpose will supplant information as the core of our economy.”  – Aaron Hurst When we reflect on the 2013 Social Enterprise Alliance (SEA) Summit in Minneapolis, two concepts will endure. First, the Summit coined the term "purpose economy" as the defining element of...

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“In the Know” – Skoll World Forum 2013

“In the Know” – Skoll World Forum 2013

Jeff Skoll, after creating eBay, started his next entrepreneurial venture – the Skoll Foundation (Skoll).  Skoll was started in 1999 and became the largest and most influential foundation supporting social entrepreneurship through grants ($358 million in 13 years) and...

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Impact vs. Outcomes

The 21st century has brought a lot of change to the social sector. One of the most notable is the demand for measuring results. With this demand has come many new words — output, outcome, and impact. How are these measured, and how can you tell the difference? It can...

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