The Social Sector often uses basic tools, like hammers and nails to change the world. Instead, we need power tools. Our weekly blog, Social TrendSpotter provides you with the latest trends and ideas within the social sector. It merges current thinking with the edge of innovation to inspire, to motivate and to take action so we can all ultimately create a better sector. Social TrendSpotter includes original analysis, but also highlights the latest sector-wide thinking into a user-friendly resource where social sector professionals and students alike can draw inspiration, share ideas and develop new thinking on best practices.

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How to End Domestic Violence and Abuse

How to End Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic violence has been on the nation’s consciousness for the past five decades for good reason. More than one in three women (35.6%) and more than one in four men (28.5%) in the U.S. report having experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by an intimate...

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“Out-of-this-World” Fundraising Ideas

“Out-of-this-World” Fundraising Ideas

Millions of Americans will have a front row seat on Saturday to an “out of this world” experience – an annular solar eclipse (also known as a “ring of fire”). It will be 2046 before another one is visible in the contiguous United States. We hope everyone gets a chance...

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How to Help Your Donors Create a Legacy With Planned Giving

How to Help Your Donors Create a Legacy With Planned Giving

The headlines are buzzing about “The Great Wealth Transfer.” It is estimated that more than $70 trillion will be passed down from Baby Boomers to their heirs – with $10-12 trillion estimated to be donated to charity through 2045. Amid high inflation, overall giving is...

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