Rising Above Politics in the Trump Era

Rising Above Politics in the Trump Era

Fights on the floor of the state legislatures. Elections focused less on the issues plaguing our towns and more on dirty politics. A must-watch reality show in Washington D.C. around whom is the biggest liar. These are not scenes from the latest good vs. evil epic...
Making Smart Decisions

Making Smart Decisions

Sometimes when you meet someone, you just click. Last year, while teaching for the Executive Nonprofit Management certificate program at Duke University, I met Amy Gearhart, a student in my class. She had recently made a career shift. After serving 30 years as a...

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Engaging Events for the Social Sector Social Impact Architects works to ensure that every training and education session is action-packed and customized to meet your organization’s needs. We have had the privilege of bringing our gamechanging topics to 38 states...