Last month, I was honored to be selected by TEDxTurtleCreekWomen to share how I became a changemaker as well as what I typically share in coffee shops, classrooms and boardrooms – the why and how of becoming a changemaker. I called my TEDx presentation “Everyone can be a Changemaker,” because I believe, if we all leverage our uniqueness toward a cause we deeply care about, BIG change will happen.
Please share this quick video with:
- Nonprofit professionals to inspire them to keep up the fight for a better world
- Friends who want to join the fight but don’t know how yet and don’t know how easy it can be
- Students who are on a quest to decide how they can best make a difference
- Anyone who believes that we need to do better in the social space
Please share, send feedback and enjoy a moment of shared inspiration. Thanks for the time, talent, and tenacity you bring to your efforts everyday. I am so proud to be on this journey with all of you.