Career Advice, Human Resources, Lead, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects
In addition to being the time of year when the leaves start to turn and pumpkin spice is back in season, fall is also known as prime job-seeking season. Whether you are actively looking for a new job or think it may be time to leave your current job, we know the job...
About Suzanne, Career Advice, Organizational Assessments, Personal
My friends and family often ask, “How do you get so much done?” “Jedi mind tricks,” I quip. Lately I have noticed a flood of Fortune 500 CEOs sharing their “productivity tricks,” so my team decided we would share ours – with a Stars Wars twist – as this busy summer...
Career Advice, Grow, Human Resources, Lead, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects
Summer is around the corner and you have a to-do list a mile long – what is an ideal solution? Use interns to help tackle it over the summer! We are so excited that apprenticeship (in all its forms: internships, job shadowing and project-based learning) has made a...
About Suzanne, Career Advice, Personal, Social Impact Architects, System Change
Work anniversaries are special milestones – they are a time of celebration, gratitude and reflection. In February, I celebrated my 10th anniversary as Founder and CEO of Social Impact Architects. But more importantly, I celebrated a decade as a social entrepreneur. To...
About Suzanne, Career Advice, Organizational Culture, Personal, Social Enterprise
As social entrepreneurs, we are lucky. We live each day knowing that we are making a difference in the lives of others. It is a blessing, but it isn’t always easy. Now we have a new generation of millennial social entrepreneurs starting out – inspired by hundreds of...
About Suzanne, Career Advice, Personal, Social Impact Architects
Podcasts are all the rage. According to an annual survey by Infinite Dial, last year 1 in 4 people listened to them. Now, that number has risen to 1 in 3! A few people have asked me to start a podcast, and I strongly considered doing so. But, I have since realized it...