Annual Traditions, Employee Engagement, Lead, Nonprofit Trends, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects
One of my favorite events of 2024 was the total solar eclipse in April. While it was an astronomical marvel, it was also a great social experiment. For a brief five minutes, North Americans of all ages stopped what they were doing to gaze at the sky in collective awe....
Corporate Social Responsibility, Impact Measurement, Social Impact Architects, Social Movements
Each year when we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are reminded of the importance of social movements to our country’s evolution. Movements were believed to have started in the late 1800s around workers’ rights, eventually leading to the labor movement in the...
Communicate, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Grow, Growth/Scaling Plans, Lead, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
The news is filled with headlines of billionaire CEOs caught in scandals, but we also need to celebrate CEOs who are making the right choices and using business as a force for good. Recently, we lost one of these icons, Clay Mathile, the former CEO of Iams – the...
Advocacy/Policy Change, Collaborate, Conference Reviews, Employee Engagement, Grow, Human Resources, Issue Based Blogs, Lead, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Social Movements, System Change
I have been a social activist from a young age. As you can see from the picture, my parents captured a moment when I was outraged that my beloved cat was being tormented by the dog. Even then – I fought for the underdog (or undercat, as it were). One of the things I...
Communicate, Grow, Impact, Impact Measurement, Lead, Lean Start-Up, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
I’ve always loved the ancient parable about the elephant. Six blind men were asked to describe an elephant by touching its body parts. The first man felt its side and described the elephant as a wall, the second man touched its tusk and thought it was a spear, the...
Advocacy/Policy Change, Guest Blogs, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Strategic Planning
Last week, on October 24, we celebrated United Nations Day, marking the historic moment when countries united after World War II to promote peace, security and cooperation. Since then, the UN has continued to bring nations together around many other key priorities,...