Gamechanging Study on Social Enterprise

Gamechanging Study on Social Enterprise

Social enterprises have always been touted as important for enhancing the sustainability of nonprofit organizations and filling market voids. Think about the Salvation Army’s thrift shops or Girl Scouts cookies, which are two of my favorite guilty pleasures. However,...
Adding to Our Repertoire: Social TrendSpotter Launches New TED-Style Videos on Trending Topics in the Social Sector

Adding to Our Repertoire: Social TrendSpotter Launches New TED-Style Videos on Trending Topics in the Social Sector

At Social TrendSpotter, we aim to share relevant content on our favorite topics and trends to achieve our mission to inspire, to encourage, to educate and – ultimately – to create a better sector. Like all organizations in the social sector, we must adapt to better...

Advanced Thinking on Developing a Theory of Change

Like the Camel Thorn tree that thrives in the arid climate of Namibia thanks to a deep network of roots, theory of change (ToC) may provide stability to social programs through a similar network of roots.  By delving deep into an issue, ToC can help articulate and...