Collaborate, Ecosystem Mapping, Impact Measurement, Organizational Assessments, Social Impact Architects, Social Movements, System Change
In 1997, on my first day as a program developer at Phoenix House, a nationwide evidence-based substance abuse program, I started to learn bottom-up program design. And to ensure I really understood the journey of those we served, I spent a lot of time in our programs...
Collaborate, Impact Measurement, Lean Start-Up, Organizational Assessments, Social Enterprise, Social Impact Architects
What’s in a name? This famous phrase from William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, speaks to an important truth. Since I started in the social sector almost three decades ago, I have noticed that we have a funny habit of throwing around important words, such as...
Business Planning, Feasibility Studies, Grow, Impact, Impact Measurement, Social Impact Architects, Strategic Planning
Like many of you, we were disheartened that according to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer, trust was not only at an all-time low, but also nonprofits were no longer the most trusted institution in the United States. Business now holds that title. How did this happen...
About Suzanne, Business Planning, COVID-19, Executive Coaching, Grow, Impact, Impact Measurement, Lead, Lean Start-Up, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Personal, Social Impact Architects, Strategic Planning
Fifteen years ago, I started Social Impact Architects with one disruptive goal: to reimagine nonprofit consulting. As every social entrepreneur does, I started with the problem. Based on my experience and research, I identified key issues in the nonprofit-consultant...
Collaborate, Impact Measurement, Organizational Assessments, System Change
I just had lunch with a dear friend who asked me a question I often hear as a teacher, consultant and community advocate: “Why is collaboration so hard?” I laughed a little and then explained it was the same reason why personal relationships are difficult. People go...
About Suzanne, Impact Measurement, Marketing & Communication, Organizational Assessments, Social Impact Architects, System Change
Do you know why offices and hotels have mirrors in their elevators? One reason is because people will focus on fixing stray hairs and smoothing out wrinkled clothing rather than how long the elevator is taking and, as a result, be happier. This strange but true fact...