Communicate, Corporate Social Responsibility, Employee Engagement, Executive Coaching, Grow, Growth/Scaling Plans, Lead, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
The news is filled with headlines of billionaire CEOs caught in scandals, but we also need to celebrate CEOs who are making the right choices and using business as a force for good. Recently, we lost one of these icons, Clay Mathile, the former CEO of Iams – the...
Communicate, Grow, Impact, Impact Measurement, Lead, Lean Start-Up, Organizational Assessments, Organizational Culture, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
I’ve always loved the ancient parable about the elephant. Six blind men were asked to describe an elephant by touching its body parts. The first man felt its side and described the elephant as a wall, the second man touched its tusk and thought it was a spear, the...
Annual Traditions, Impact, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling, Thanksgiving
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Communicate, Fundraising, Impact, Impact Measurement, Marketing & Communication, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
Countdowns to the holidays have already begun showing up as memes on social media. Of course, in the social sector, that means we are already working on our year-end appeals. In the coming month, we will collectively send out millions of solicitations via email, text...
Communicate, Marketing & Communication, Social Impact Architects, Storytelling
School has started across the country, and fall is almost here – a time when nonprofits are gearing up for Giving Days nationwide. This season inspires thoughts of new possibilities, adventures and dreams, motivating us to take steps toward positive change. One...
Advocacy/Policy Change, Communicate, Social Impact Architects
Remember how much you loved recess when you were in school? How about show and tell? August 5th ushered in an almost month-long summer recess for Congress – they go home, go on vacation and spend time with their constituents. And in cities and states, policymakers are...