Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

The Mary Poppins Guide to Making the Best Use of Nonprofit Downtime

The Mary Poppins Guide to Making the Best Use of Nonprofit Downtime

My favorite movie as a child was the epic adventure of Mary Poppins. I love everything about it, including my favorite song in the piece, “Feed the Birds” – which to this day makes me cry. But, the best lesson in the piece for children is the song “Spoonful of Sugar.”...

7 Tips to Tap into CARES Act-Stimulated Charitable Giving

7 Tips to Tap into CARES Act-Stimulated Charitable Giving

Last week, everyone, including our team, focused on the big-ticket item for nonprofits – the CARES Act and its grants/loans. It is vitally important that your nonprofit organization considers applying for this money in order to leverage it as working capital in the...

Fast Facts on Federal COVID-19 Stimulus for Nonprofits

Fast Facts on Federal COVID-19 Stimulus for Nonprofits

I recently asked my Facebook friends to share “the phrase you never want to hear again.” The top four winners: unprecedented, flatten the curve, COVID-19 and social distancing. While we are living through challenging times, I am a firm believer that we can get through...

Two for the Price of One: Two-Generation Approaches

Two for the Price of One: Two-Generation Approaches

Social innovation is often perceived as the implementation of a brand-new idea, but it is not always about an idea. It can also be a new way of delivering an existing program or service or a way to take that idea to scale successfully. The two-generation (also called...

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