Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

Inspire Donors to Invest in Your Work with a Nonprofit Year-End Report

Inspire Donors to Invest in Your Work with a Nonprofit Year-End Report

As we turn the page on the final month of the calendar year, it’s normal to reflect on our accomplishments and set goals for the future. For individuals, saying these accomplishments and goals out loud (or writing them down) can help us remain accountable to ourselves...

Turn Donors into Fans with Best Practices for Donor Acknowledgments

Turn Donors into Fans with Best Practices for Donor Acknowledgments

As we approach Thanksgiving, nonprofits all over globe are preparing for another season – the giving season. Marked by Giving Tuesday, holidays and the end of the tax year, it is statistically the busiest season for giving. Some fun facts: 31% of annual giving occurs...

Market Research Tools for Nonprofits: How to Channel Your Inner Oprah

Market Research Tools for Nonprofits: How to Channel Your Inner Oprah

Like many of you, I grew up watching Oprah – both the “Oprah Winfrey Show” and now “Super Soul Sundays.” Oprah just has a way of connecting with both her guests and her audience to find out the “truth” behind any topic. While the job of a talk show host may seem far...

Nonprofit Coopetition: Combining Cooperation and Collaboration to Build A Better World

Nonprofit Coopetition: Combining Cooperation and Collaboration to Build A Better World

I was thrilled to speak last week about Nonprofit Megatrends at a conference in one of my favorite cities – Cincinnati. Every social sector conference this fall features trends on collective impact, collaboration and system building. These concepts signify an...

How the Ice Bucket Challenge Still Teaches Us About Nonprofit Fundraising, Marketing and Storytelling

How the Ice Bucket Challenge Still Teaches Us About Nonprofit Fundraising, Marketing and Storytelling

If you were anywhere near a screen eight years ago, odds are good that you witnessed the Ice Bucket Challenge. In my feed, I saw everyone from my then-8-year-old nephew, Dylan, to my city councilmember and Bill Gates participate. This viral phenomenon during the...

How to Create a Nonprofit Advisory Council and Why

How to Create a Nonprofit Advisory Council and Why

I love fall – with it comes so many possibilities. It reminds me of one of my favorite fall quotes by French author Albert Camus: “Autumn is the second spring when every leaf is a flower.” It professes a love for the season of fall but also a season of life where...

Inspiring an Impact Mindset in the Social Sector

Inspiring an Impact Mindset in the Social Sector

More and more, research indicates that one of the keys to success is mindset – the frame of mind through which we perceive, interpret and organize our complex world. In fact, science is showing – through studies with athletes, medical patients and students taking...

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