How Nonprofit Leaders Can Ensure Every Part of Their Organization Advances Social Change

How Nonprofit Leaders Can Ensure Every Part of Their Organization Advances Social Change

We have achieved a landmark shift in our culture – corporations are joining nonprofits in the effort to create positive social change. What started with conscious capitalism and Benefit Corporations has now rippled into full-blown philanthropic efforts by Fortune 500...

Nonprofit Trends & Inspiration: Top 5 TrendSpotter Favorites of 2018

Nonprofit Trends & Inspiration: Top 5 TrendSpotter Favorites of 2018

The end of the year is always a special time for rejuvenation and reflection. This past year my favorite word has been “reimagine.” The word itself lulls me into both a state of reflection as well as thoughtful action. It allows you to hold up a mirror to yourself as...

Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Risk Management in the Social Sector

Turning Crisis into Opportunity: Risk Management in the Social Sector

"When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity." - John F. Kennedy John F. Kennedy’s quote about crisis representing danger as well as opportunity is absolutely true. The headlines...

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