Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

The Great Nonprofit RESET: Nonprofit Trends & Actions for 2021

The Great Nonprofit RESET: Nonprofit Trends & Actions for 2021

Pivot. I imagine you’ve heard or used this word to describe your nonprofit’s activities in the past year. With the devastating impact of COVID-19 on our economy and public health, nonprofits have indeed had to shift quickly to answer the call of their communities....

How to Use Theory of Change to Map Your Nonprofit’s North Star

How to Use Theory of Change to Map Your Nonprofit’s North Star

Finding your direction in the social sector can be daunting. With limited resources and so many competing interests vying for our time and attention, it would be helpful if we had a compass to guide us toward our “north star” of social change – whether it...

How Nonprofits & Social Entrepreneurs Can Answer the President’s Call to Action

How Nonprofits & Social Entrepreneurs Can Answer the President’s Call to Action

Dear Mr. President:Congratulations on a hard-fought race for your first term as president. Your call-to-action in November was inspiring: “Americans have called on us to marshal the forces of decency and the forces of fairness. To marshal the forces of science and the...

2021 Nonprofit Trends: Shifting Our Focus to Upstream Nonprofit Work

2021 Nonprofit Trends: Shifting Our Focus to Upstream Nonprofit Work

When I first heard the famous parable about “The River,” I was at a national cardiovascular convening in 2003 held at Mountain Lake Lodge in Virginia (made famous by Dirty Dancing). The presenter told the story: you and a friend are having a picnic by the side of a...

Nonprofit Trends & Inspiration: Top 5 TrendSpotter Favorites of 2020

Nonprofit Trends & Inspiration: Top 5 TrendSpotter Favorites of 2020

Tonight marks the seventh day of Hanukkah – or the Festival of Lights. It commemorates the victory and recapture of Jerusalem in the year 164 BC. It is celebrated by the lighting of a menorah. One candle, known as the shamash, is lit and then used to light the other...

Top Sources of Board-CEO Conflict and How to Resolve Them

Top Sources of Board-CEO Conflict and How to Resolve Them

Remember that game we played in school – tug-of-war? While the origin is uncertain, it has been around since the 8th century BC as a game of strength and teamwork. The concept is simple, but the strategy behind it is complex – it requires more than just power. It also...

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