Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

Self-Sufficiency: The New Norm in the Social Sector and How to Get There

Self-Sufficiency: The New Norm in the Social Sector and How to Get There

When you travel outside the United States, you get an opportunity to reflect and be inspired by what you experience. My recent travel as well as the recent news of migrants coming to the United States to “achieve the American dream” has made me reflect on where we are...

How Nonprofits Can Get Ahead of Inflation and Economic Uncertainty

How Nonprofits Can Get Ahead of Inflation and Economic Uncertainty

Uncertainty is one of the most difficult emotions for a leader to process and then turn around to lead successfully. Today the economic, social and geopolitical clouds around us are hard to ignore. The question is: what can you best do as a leader in uncertain...

Q&A on Nonprofit Mergers, Acquisitions and Exits

Q&A on Nonprofit Mergers, Acquisitions and Exits

Everything changed two years ago – so much so, many futurists, including myself, shifted gears from long-range planning to week-to-week survival. Now, as the country begins to get back to “normal,” we have begun shifting back to long-term planning. For nonprofits, the...

Boost Your Nonprofit’s Advocacy Through Coalition Building and Grassroots Campaigns

Boost Your Nonprofit’s Advocacy Through Coalition Building and Grassroots Campaigns

Late summer and early fall are opportune times to reach out and connect to elected officials, since many federal policymakers will be home for August recess and most state policymakers will be gearing up for legislative sessions. There are many reasons to start...

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Board Members

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Board Members

Now that school is back in session, nonprofit boards will be meeting regularly and gearing up for the fall season of Giving Days, annual letters and strategic planning. Did you know that the Latin root for governance (gubernare) means to guide or pilot a ship? It is a...

Nonprofit Board Icebreaker

Nonprofit Board Icebreaker

Due to summer vacations and COVID-19, we know many boards need some help not only getting acquainted but staying the course together. To that end, we wanted to share one of our favorite ways to accomplish this task – the game of BINGO. We use it two ways: as an...

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