Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

All You Need to Know about Charitable Giving Trends from Giving USA 2022 Results

All You Need to Know about Charitable Giving Trends from Giving USA 2022 Results

At the end of 2021, readers of The Boston Globe were asked to describe the year – the top word: "exhausting," followed by "rollercoaster." One reader noted that there were "some highs and lots of lows." Each year since 1956, social sector leaders anxiously await the...

Where is Your Organization in the Nonprofit Lifecycle?

Where is Your Organization in the Nonprofit Lifecycle?

As the pandemic becomes more manageable and we explore possibilities for the future, I find that many executives and board members are reflecting on the “state of their organization.” Many are asking the question: “Where do we go from here?” I was recently asked by a...

How Are Nonprofit Business Plans Different From Strategic Plans?

How Are Nonprofit Business Plans Different From Strategic Plans?

I love cooking shows! People can be so imaginative with food recipes. While many of us are content with the traditional combination of peanut butter and chocolate, chefs and food enthusiasts are combining seemingly unrelated ingredients to yield culinary genius. Take...

How Shared Services Can Maximize Your Nonprofit’s Impact

How Shared Services Can Maximize Your Nonprofit’s Impact

Today’s headlines could make even the most optimistic person – like me – a little weary. But, my optimism was restored when I watched the recent documentary about the 50-year anniversary of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” called “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” and it...

Bring Your Nonprofit Strategic Plan to Life with Action Plans

Bring Your Nonprofit Strategic Plan to Life with Action Plans

When it comes to planning, social sector leaders often ask me how to ensure strategic plans get implemented. They are right to be concerned – their hard work matters and should not be relegated to a shelf. I respond with the Japanese proverb – “Vision without action...

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