Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

How Nonprofit Leaders Can Ensure Every Part of Their Organization Advances Social Change

How Nonprofit Leaders Can Ensure Every Part of Their Organization Advances Social Change

We have achieved a landmark shift in our culture – corporations are joining nonprofits in the effort to create positive social change. What started with conscious capitalism and Benefit Corporations has now rippled into full-blown philanthropic efforts by Fortune 500...

What Did We Learn from the Giving USA Report?

What Did We Learn from the Giving USA Report?

Last week, Giving USA shared its long-awaited report, Giving USA 2019: The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year of 2018. In this post, we not only share a synopsis of giving trends from the report, but as always, we provide actionable steps you can take to keep...

What is Social Intrapreneurship & How Will It Help Nonprofits and Social Entrepreneurs Create Positive Change?

What is Social Intrapreneurship & How Will It Help Nonprofits and Social Entrepreneurs Create Positive Change?

While social entrepreneurship steals all the headlines, social intrapreneurship is a movement that is building momentum and for good reason. Today, we’re revisiting one of our most popular posts on the benefits of social intrapreneurship AND, in my personal...

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