Refresh Your Nonprofit Skills with Six Free Webinars from Social Impact Architects

Refresh Your Nonprofit Skills with Six Free Webinars from Social Impact Architects

Leaves changing and falling. Exchanging t-shirts and flipflops for sweaters and boots. As we transition into fall, I hope you have time to think about your own evolution this year. There is probably a lot on your mind. Ours too. So, as Halloween approaches and we...

Expert Advice on How to Reopen Your Nonprofit

Expert Advice on How to Reopen Your Nonprofit

How has nonprofit life changed since the COVID-19 pandemic started? What should change forever? What should be reconsidered? Now that we are close to herd immunity, many nonprofits are tackling big and small questions across all aspects of their organizations about...

Is Your Nonprofit Sustainable and What Does Nonprofit Sustainability Really Mean?

Is Your Nonprofit Sustainable and What Does Nonprofit Sustainability Really Mean?

“Sustainability” has been a buzzword in the social sector for the past few years, but what does it really mean? Everyone agrees that sustainability is an important factor to evaluate the resiliency of social sector organizations, but few have agreed on a simple path...

The Great Nonprofit RESET: Nonprofit Trends & Actions for 2021

The Great Nonprofit RESET: Nonprofit Trends & Actions for 2021

Pivot. I imagine you’ve heard or used this word to describe your nonprofit’s activities in the past year. With the devastating impact of COVID-19 on our economy and public health, nonprofits have indeed had to shift quickly to answer the call of their communities....

Hoping for the Best While Preparing for the Worst: Nonprofit Risk Management Q&A with former Secret Service Agent James Savage

Hoping for the Best While Preparing for the Worst: Nonprofit Risk Management Q&A with former Secret Service Agent James Savage

As businesses reopen around the country, the question on every social sector CEO’s mind right now is – when should we open? What is the right thing to do for our employees, customers and clients? I sat down with my good friend and colleague, James “Jim” Savage, to...

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