Social Trendspotter Weekly Blog

Are You Chasing Money or Your Mission? The Mission-Money Matrix Can Help You Find Out!

Are You Chasing Money or Your Mission? The Mission-Money Matrix Can Help You Find Out!

When I started with the nonprofit Phoenix House right out of college, I was an idealist. I pursued any program and every grant that would help our clients. I believed success would come from the quantity of grants submitted. Now, with nearly three decades of...

Crossing the Rubicon: Navigating NEW Strategic Shifts in Your Nonprofit

Crossing the Rubicon: Navigating NEW Strategic Shifts in Your Nonprofit

Everything changed two years ago – so much so, many futurists, including myself, shifted gears from long-range planning to week-to-week survival. At Social Impact Architects, we even changed our website and created a “Nonprofit Coronavirus Resource Center” with all...

Starting a Nonprofit: Choose Your Own Adventure Carefully

Starting a Nonprofit: Choose Your Own Adventure Carefully

We are living in unprecedented times. As a result, my team at Social Impact Architects is getting even more calls, emails and social media messages from folks who want to start a nonprofit as a way to help. It reminds me of my favorite books as a kid. Remember those...

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